CBE Managed Services let the customer offload specific operations to us, known in tech parlance as a Managed Services Provider. CBE can offer services such as alerts, security, patch management, helpdesk and policy enforcement for surveillance products.
Offloading routine infrastructure management to a CBE experienced managed services professional lets you concentrate on running your business, with fewer interruptions due to issues. We customize our solutions based on customer requirements and needs.
If you fall behind in keeping up with things such as camera outages, patches and security, the odds are that you’ll face a problem down the road that will negatively impact your business. For instance if your DVR becomes unresponsive unexpectedly and you are unaware, your business and your customers can be affected by the liability of not having your system operational at all times.
CBE Managed Services acts as an extension of your facilities maintenance and IT Department, taking care of routine surveillance infrastructure monitoring, management and most of all compliance with your policies—freeing up your staff to focus on higher-value projects. By proactively monitoring and maintaining your systems, CBE can help you avoid many technology problems in the first place. Should an issue occur, an experienced CBE Technical Support Representative can troubleshoot and resolve it more efficiently.